Rendering Our World


For our intents and purposes U presents us with our rendering of the world.

Information from the environment has been received by our sensory systems and integrated into a form in which we can respond to it.

We require this integration of information (at the very least) to form consciousness.

As Individuals we share many similarities but we also have uniqueness that distinguishes us. It should not be too distressing therefore to propose that Individuals vary in their sensitivities to the environment.

How could these differences in sensitivity affect the composition of U?

U requires two lotteries to be formed.

The Global lottery formed from pRoU and pCa and the Local lottery formed from aRoU and aCa.

If an Individual is more sensitive to Global information than Local information, U would be formed with a bias towards the former. Putatively towards the ventral stream rather than the dorsal stream.

Similarly if an Individual is more sensitive to semantic information (What things are) than syntactic information (How things are) they would produce a U leaning towards Ca rather than RoU. The RoUCa model assumes hemispherical specialisation of the brain with the left hemisphere broadly responsive to syntactic information in the environment and the right to semantic information.

If we extrapolate these assumptions and represent them graphically*, with Global-Local biases represented by horizontal lines and RoU-Ca biases represented by vertical lines with line thickness representing a person’s sensitivity.


Cognition, cognitive, cognitive ability, levels of cognition, cognition and learning, applied economics masters, behavioural economics, economic, emotions, perception, psychology,, mirror neurons, empathy
Global-Local sensitivity (left) and RoU-Ca sensitivity (right)


We can see that if an Individual is Globally biased and sensitive to Capital they have greater resolution (because line thickness represents sensitivity) in the top-right quadrant and least resolution in the bottom-left hand corner.


Cognition, cognitive, cognitive ability, levels of cognition, cognition and learning, applied economics masters, behavioural economics, economic, emotions, perception, psychology,, mirror neurons, empathy
A Global-What biased U


If an Individual is Locally biased and sensitive to Capital they have greater resolution in the bottom-right quadrant and least resolution in the top-left hand corner.


Cognition, cognitive, cognitive ability, levels of cognition, cognition and learning, applied economics masters, behavioural economics, economic, emotions, perception, psychology,, mirror neurons, empathy
A Local-What biased U


If an Individual shows neither a Global or Local bias but is sensitive to Capital rather than Uncertainty they have greater resolution in the right half and least resolution in the left half.


Cognition, cognitive, cognitive ability, levels of cognition, cognition and learning, applied economics masters, behavioural economics, economic, emotions, perception, psychology,, mirror neurons, empathy
A What U with no Global or Local bias


We can therefore talk of the resolution of the U that an Individual forms.

For our purposes this is important as when U is formed is the moment that we are aware of the environment.

If Individuals differ in the resolution with which they form their respective Us we should not be surprised or upset that they interpret the world differently.

There are two sides to this coin. Someone might “get” something because of greater sensitivity in one area compared to another Individual but on the other side of the coin they might be blissfully unaware of the implications on an Event in their environment.

If an Individual lacks resolution to an aspect of the environment to all intents and purposes it doesn’t exist in their world as they have not integrated that information.

They cannot compose a response to that aspect in the U they produce.

They cannot judge their response as unfeasible when passed to the Cognitive sector and will look to compensate with the appropriate factor in the Emotional sector when the environment does not respond (as they see it) as expected.

When investigating personality it is often more reliable to find what confronts an Individual with error rather than what they agree with.


*We should not assume that the underlying biological systems are linear or uniform in their response in practicality. We are trying to illustrate a concept here not lay down an immutable law.




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